Hair Growth

How To Grow Hair Faster? 5 Natural Remedies For Hair Growth

How To Make Hair Grow? 5 Natural Remedies For Hair Growth - The Hair Addict

Often times we get sporadic hair loss between seasons or find our hair just growing dreadfully slowly. This can be a major setback especially if you’re growing out a regrettable haircut that you got on a whim. Luckily, there are many natural remedies that can do the trick, and better yet, they are widely-available so there will be no bending over backwards to get them!

The most important tip we can give you before you try these remedies out is to be consistent; as hair growth is an extensive complicated process that needs care and consistency for any results to show. As a rule of thumb, you should use any natural remedy for hair growth 2 to 3 times a week, for a period not less than 3 months for any noticeable effect to show.

5 Natural Remedies That Will Kick Your Hair Growth Up A Notch

1- Castor Oil:

Castor oil is a viscous vegetable oil derived from Castor beans. It has been used for ages to stimulate the growth of new hairs and to halt existing hair loss. It is believed that Castor oil does this by widening the blood vessels in the scalp and stimulating blood circulation.
Ideally, you should dilute it with a lightweight carrier oil, such as grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or coconut oil. If Castor oil is used undiluted, it will take you several rounds of shampooing and vigorous scrubbing to get it off, which is counterintuitive at best.


2- Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera gel is the jelly substance we extract from Aloe leaves. In fact, it is 98% water but 100% amazing and effective. It contains vitamins and enzymes that nourish the scalp and exfoliate the dead skin, creating the optimal environment for your hair follicles to thrive and your hair to grow. It should be used on the scalp for 30 minutes before you wash your hair.


3- Peppermint Essential Oil:

This tingly essential oil is packed with benefits. Peppermint oil will easily relieve dandruff and itchy scalp problems, as well as stimulate the blood flowing to your scalp for boosted hair growth. There is nothing like having a healthy scalp that is also minty fresh!

You should bear in mind that essential oils should be diluted with carrier oils. You should only add a few drops of essential oil to the carrier oil to prevent any irritant effect.


4- Rosemary Essential Oil:

Rosemary essential oil has some scientific data backing its efficacy in halting hair loss even in androgenetic alopecia. Alike peppermint essential oil, it should be diluted with a carrier oil as using it undiluted will irritate your scalp.

If you are into experimenting with a natural remedy, we recommend The Indian Recipe Hair Growth.


5- Scalp Massaging

Scalp massaging is a potent remedy that is truly available at your fingertips. One of the best practices you can ever make is to include a 5-minute head massage in your daily nighttime routine. The mechanical movement helps exfoliate the scalp and stimulates blood flow for enhanced hair growth.

You should also massage your scalp well with any hair growth remedy you apply, as it will improve the absorption and act in synergy with the applied remedy.

We recommend that you try The Gro Brush for an easier head massaging experience.


In Conclusion:

Natural oils and plant extracts do a great job in growing hair, and they can be mixed however you like. We highly recommend you try The Indian Recipe by The Hair Addict, as it is rich in Aloe Vera gel, Castor oil, peppermint essential oil which are widely tried and tested with proven hair growth results.

Lastly, the above remedies can go along together, so feel free to mix and match them to your liking.

Visit The Hair Addict’s online store for more natural hair products.