
Natural and proud

“ Ever since I was young, I used to get surrounded by so many negative comments about my naturally curly hair at school and I was forced to tie it tightly to the point of being hurt and getting a headache! I was doing all of this just for the sake of not being mocked on! Unfortunately, I used to straighten it a lot and it got so damaged. I later on decided to stand my natural groud and after I became a mother, I promised myself that #My_daughter_will_never_know_relaxers.
One of the people who really had a huge impact on my hair journey was my friend “Sandra”. She used to give me very useful hair tips and kept encouraging me to embrace my own hair strands. When I got pregnant, I used to pray that my daughter “Santorine” would be a straight head and that was only because I was fearful that she would be in my shoes one day. As I grew more confident in my natural hair, I made her fall in love with her hair too. This year, is going to be her 1st school year and I have to say that I am no longer worried about anyone who would criticize her or tell her a silly comment; because I know she is strong enough to handle it and she will hit back with a comment that shows how confident she is in her natural hair. What’s even cuter is that “Santorine” keeps telling me “Mom, I want my hair to get curlier like your hair!”