How To

How To Get Rid of Dandruff? 5 Ways To Treat Dandruff

get rid of dandruff

get rid of dandruff

For the most of us, we dread winter for the cold but also for how it dries the scalp and exacerbates dandruff. It is also particularly embarrassing when you end up with white flakes all across the shoulders of your dark jackets.

With the many available treatment options over the counter, many people still face issues getting rid of dandruff permanently. We feel like we need to do a quick Dandruff 101 before we get down to explaining how to safely and effectively treat it.

The Thing About Dandruff

It is more common than you think

Did you know that almost half of the global population has dandruff? Studies have found that dandruff is a very common condition happening for 1 out of every 2 people.

It is not a sign of bad hygiene

Dandruff happens because of many different things that hygiene isn’t necessarily one of. It mainly happens because of high scalp cell regeneration that causes flaking. It can also happen due to Malassezia, a fungus that is normally present on the scalp, but can act up a bit more causing dandruff.

It needs upkeep to stay under control

The thing is that most available dandruff treatments are effective, but we are never told that we should do something past getting rid of dandruff. The reality is that dandruff is a mostly chronic situation and needs some form of constant treatment. We generally advise to keep using a dandruff treatment once weekly after treating dandruff for lasting results.

It flares up during fall and winter

The cold weather is known to dry the skin more, and a dry scalp means more dandruff. That’s why it could take a bit more time to treat dandruff in the winter vs. summer.

How to effectively get rid of dandruff

First, you need to remember that consistency is key. Any of the treatments we mentioned will be effective when you use it 2-3 times a week, and can be toned down to just once a week after the dandruff is controlled.

1- Medicated shampoos

Drugstores are filled with dandruff shampoos falling within a wide price range. These shampoos can contain Zinc, Selenium, coal tar, or antifungal agents like ketoconazole. They are effective for the most part but many of them can really cause hair dryness, so we prefer to resort to natural alternatives.

2- Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel is a scalp saviour in so many ways. It has enzymes that break down dandruff and detoxify the scalp. Moreover, it soothes any itching and is additionally helpful for those who also suffer from eczema and psoriasis.

3- Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is famous for making hair stronger and less frizzy, but it is also a very effective antifungal. It fights off the fungal effects causing dandruff and also moisturizes the scalp for less flaking.

4- Apple Cider Vinegar

Using ACV as a scalp rinse helps greatly with dandruff. Just make sure to dilute it first by mixing 1 part ACV to 2 parts water and massage your scalp and hair with it and leave it in for 5 minutes. ACV gets bonus points for sealing the hair cuticle for shiny and frizz-free hair.

5- Peppermint Essential Oil

The essence of the peppermint leaves is a perfect solution for dandruff and an itchy scalp. It provides a cooling sensation on top of fighting off dandruff and also stimulating hair growth!

Make sure to dilute it into a carrier oil before using to avoid irritation, and we generally recommend adding just a few drops to a lightweight oil like sweet almond or Jojoba.

Have a look at our online store for many natural haircare options.