Curly Hair, Hair Styling

5 Tips & Tricks for Maximum Curly Hair Defintion

5 tips & tricks for defined curly hair


Curly hair may feel like quite some work to deal with. You change products and do this and that in the hopes that your hair forms nicely defined curls, but the results aren’t usually what you’re looking for. We have tried many tips and tricks and we have a few shortcuts that will make your journey to defined curly hair much shorter!


The 5 Gamechanging Curly Hair Tips


1- Apply styling products to your hair before towel drying it

Right after you’re done washing and conditioning your hair, hop out of the shower and start applying your styling products. Make sure to apply a little bit extra than your hair needs, so that the excess is absorbed when you start to towel-dry your curls.


2- Use a curly hair defining brush

A curl-defining brush can do wonders in forming defined smooth curls. After applying your favorite styling products, brush your hair gently section by section while twisting the brush outwards.
Our favorite pick is فرشة التحديد - زرقاء. It is made out of 9 rows of bristles that can be adjusted to your liking to achieve curls with the thickness of your choice.

Curly hair definition brush

3- Gently towel-dry your hair.

For gentle towel drying you need to do two things. Firstly, you need to choose a gentle microfiber towel that will not frizz up your hair and disturb the curl clumps you have. Secondly, you need to be gentle using the towel! No pulling, no squeezing, no roughing up your hair, you only need to pat it very gently or use the towel to scrunch up your curls.
We recommend that you try Frizz-Off Towel for a gentle and swift hair drying experience.

Frizz Off microfibre towel turban

4- Leave your hair alone until it is completely dry

We know how irresistible it is to touch your gorgeous curls while it is drying, but it really disturbs clumped curls and takes a big toll on curl definition. What you need to do is keep your hands to yourself until your hair is totally dry. You should always limit touching and fussing your curls after it is dry to prevent your hair from frizzing up. If you can’t keep your hands away from your hair, then read on to point #5.


5- Diffuse your curly hair for more definition, volume and a quick drying time.

A very affordable but valuable investment that a curly girl can make is to buy a diffuser. It helps cut hair drying time to an hour or less, gives your hair super volume, and maintains curl definition! All you need to make sure of is two things. The first being that you should diffuse on a cold to warm setting but never on the highest heat setting to prevent hair damage, and the se second is that you set it on slow to medium air speed because a high flow of air will ruin your curl definition.
Universal collapsible silicone diffuser
Our favorite diffuser is The Universal Collapsible Diffuser that you can shop here.
In conclusion, hair definition majorly relies on the techniques you use to apply the products and the tools you use.
To shop more hair products and tools visit

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